A formation workshop by Caritas Singapore
A workshop on the ‘Review of Life’ methodology was held over two evenings on the 20 and 21 November 2018 at Agape Village. Mr Goh Han Serm, together with four other facilitators, helped 27 participants better understand the components of the methodology and how this could be practised in their lives.
Mr Goh shared how the ‘Review of Life’ methodology can help participants to be more conscious of the way they review life situations, as well as the social issues around them. The use of this method helps one reflect, make decisions and eventually, take actions that are more Christ-centred.
Through this, participants could also see a greater application of our Catholic Social Teaching in their daily lives.
Over the two evenings, facilitators guided participants through the steps of the methodology using a case study on the first day, followed by their own life situations on the second day. The workshop provided a useful and practical method to help participants see Christ in their issues, in their daily life situations as well as in the other persons in their families, workplaces and other situations.
Participants shared how this has helped them keep in mind their Christian values and teachings. Many also added that the discussion and sharing from fellow participants has allowed them to better appreciate and discover more appropriate actions grounded in faith.