2008 Catholic News

Issue: 36
Filipina stays 23 years with one employer
2008_12_21 | Catholic News | 1.76MB

Issue: 35
Go Green, show you love the Earth, It’s Advent, a time of hope
2008_12_07 | Catholic News | 2.13MB

Issue: 34
Civil society: Towards the Common Good, Unwanted pregnancies: Help is a phone call away
2008_11_23 | Catholic News | 1.94MB

Issue: 33
Financial turmoil: A time to dig deeper and help others, acts29: a small group with

big plans
2008_11_03 | Catholic News | 2.10MB

Issue: 32
Who do I want for my neighbour
2008_10_26 | Catholic News | 2.02MB

Issue: 31
New name makes CSCC part of world body – Caritas Singapore Community Council, About Caritas Internationalis, Cheers for the new name
2008_10_12 | Catholic News | 1.79MB

Issue: 30
Maid in Singapore: One woman’s story of making it work
2008_09_28 | Catholic News | 2.09MB

Issue: 29
She’s only a maid? Help her grow, learn new skills, Catholic Business Network: Catholic businessmen get together
2008_09_14 | Catholic News | 1.86MB

Issue: 28
If you have a maid, pay her fairly and on time, Everything costs more…How can

you help?
2008_08_31 | Catholic News | 1.86MB

Issue: 27
Your maid needs a day off, just like you, Lay Apostolate Sunday: August 17 – Do you let your faith shine through?
2008_08_17 | Catholic News | 2.02MB

Issue: 26
When you take a maid into your home…Give her proper meals, and her own space too, Catholic Nurses Guild – Extending God’s care and love beyond the hospitals
2008_08_03 | Catholic News | 1.68MB

Issue: 25
How to get a good maid: Teach, nurture and show you care, Salt of the Earth – Your study guide on the Church’s social teachings
2008_07_20 | Catholic News | 1.93MB

Issue: 24
Does your maid work with dignity?
2008_07_06 | Catholic News | 1.79MB

Issue: 23
Help your maid beat culture shock, Volunteers needed at Villa Francis
2008_06_22 | Catholic News | 2.17MB

Issue: 22
Try a little kindness today, The great way to shop
2008_06_08 | Catholic News | 2.19MB

Issue: 21
Ma Jie: My maid, my family, Jesus is all around us, if we only look at those in need
2008_05_25 | Catholic News | 2.04MB

Issue: 20
Instead of grabbing rice, hoard your treasures in heaven, All work is holy

(Labour Day Feature)
2008_05_11 | Catholic News | 2.13MB

Issue: 19
We are all foreigners on our way, Touched by prisoners (Roman Catholic Prison Ministry)
2008_04_27 | Catholic News | 2.09MB

Issue: 18
Why charity and justice must go together, A place where children can always feel at home (Canossaville Children’s Home)
2008_04_13 | Catholic News | 1.93MB

Issue: 17
Happy Easter, Are you ready to start anew? Come discover how you can make a difference
2008_03_30 | Catholic News | 1.81MB

Issue: 16
Do your part to bridge the income gap, Half a century of serving the needy
2008_03_16 | Catholic News | 2.17MB

Issue: 15
Give, Please give generously, Make a difference, Pope: Help others, free yourself – Excerpts of Pope Benedict XVI’s Lenten 2008 message, Archbishop: Focus on charity, draw closer to God – Excerpts of Archbishop Nicholas Chia’s Lenten 2008 message
2008_03_02 | Catholic News | 1.90MB

Issue: 14
You can make a difference, Catholic social teachings; The basic principles

2008_02_17 | Catholic News | 2.13MB

Issue: 13
We’re all part of God’s peace-keeping force (Principle of the Promotion of Peace), ACCT swings into action when disasters strike
2008_02_03 | Catholic News | 2.06MB

Issue: 12
more than just ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’

(Principle of the dignity of Creation), Society of St Vincent
de Paul: More seek help, more helpers needed.
2008_01_20 |
Catholic News | 1.71MB

Issue: 11
the dignity of all workers (Principle of the Dignity of Work
Part 2), CSCC is one year old, Governance or Stewardship?

2008_01_06 |
Catholic News | 2.04MB