~ An online campaign by the Caritas Singapore Young Adults Committee
Calling all young adults aged 18 to 35 years!
Join us to learn more about the principles of the Catholic Social Teaching (CST)! Put these into action in small ways in our everyday lives and bring God’s love to others.
Learn more about CST in the coming weeks from 3 Nov to 7 Dec!
How you can get involved!
- After learning about the CST of the week, share with us and others, how you apply and live out these principles (in your families, towards your neighbours, co-workers, frontline workers and service personnel, the poor, or with anyone you encounter).
- Post your sharing on your Instagram and Facebook accounts and remember to include these two hashtags:
#CaritasYA #loveinlittleways
Do also remember to make your post public! - Then, the Young Adults will contact you via DM, and you will receive a specially designed reusable cupholder carrier (only for those living in Singapore)!

Follow us on our social media channels:
Instagram: @caritassingapore
Facebook: @CaritasSingapore
What is the Catholic Social Teaching (CST)?
The social teaching of the Church is a call to each of us to reach out to our fellow brothers and sisters. It is about God’s call to us to “Love one another as I have loved you”.
Over the decades, the social teaching of the Church has been expounded in numerous church documents by many including popes and bishops. Through this teaching, the church attempts to apply the timeless truths of the Scripture as well as the accumulated wisdom of the Church’s sacred Tradition to the new and complex social situations and challenges of the modern world.
As an overview, the 10 principles are:

Watch this video to learn more!
Join us as we reflect on 5 of the 10 principles of CST in the next 5 weeks. Look out for examples of how the Caritas Young Adults put them into action!
- Principle of the Dignity of the Human Person

Maryana, from Caritas Young Adults, reflects on the principle of the Dignity of the Human Person. This is how she puts it into action:
“The Church teaches us to bestow dignity on our neighbour. Often we think it means giving extraordinary attention or material needs. However, I feel that the simplest thing of greeting our neighbours shows our love for them as persons with dignity.”
For more information on this principle:
Catholic Social Teaching – Human Person
Caritas Australia: Dignity of the Human Person
CST 101 Video: Life and Dignity of the Human Person
2. Principle of the Dignity of Creation

Our Young Adult Committee member, Bernadette lives out this principle of the Dignity of Creation:
“Many of us need our daily kopi / teh / BBT fix. I used to struggle with bringing out a reusable cup because it was just too cumbersome. But, when I saw my colleague using a collapsible cup, I just knew what to request for as a Christmas gift exchange item! Now my trusty Stojo (#notasponsoredpost) that’s turning one next month + cup carrier go everywhere (well, almost) with me.”
For more information on this principle:
CaritasSG Heal Our Home
Caritas and Laudato Si’
Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home
3. Principle of Association

George, a Caritas Young Adults Committee member, shows us how he lives out the the principle of Association with his loved ones and friends:
“I used to think that my faith is just between me and God. But, the essence of the Christian faith calls us to be in community and to live out our faith together. For me, this often means fellowship over food where I get to share delicious food with friends and family while having fun at the same time!”
For more information on this principle:
America: The Jesuit Review – The 10 Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching
CST 101: Call to Family, Community and Participation
4. Principle of Solidarity

Here’s one of the ways our Young Adults Committee Member, Celeste, lives out the principle of Solidarity:
“I express solidarity with the people around me by offering a listening ear and support to them whenever they need it. By simply hearing them out, showing concern, and being there for them, I hope to show them that they are not alone in their journeys.”
For more information on this principle:
Development and Peace: Solidarity
CST 101: Solidarity
5. Principle of the Common Good

Our Young Adults Committee member, Marissa, shares how she lives out the principle of the Common Good:
“What does a person need to grow and develop to the full? A welcoming community, sanitary housing, fair wages, and access to healthcare. Promoting the common good in our society means making Singapore a place where every person, regardless of nationality, can thrive. This includes our migrant brothers and sisters here in Singapore. Writing a welcome note, giving them a smile, or saying a simple thank you to migrant workers are little ways I welcome them into our community.”
For more information on this principle:
Catholic Social Teaching – Common Good
Duquesne University: What exactly is the Common Good?
We close the “Love In Little Ways” campaign with this inspiring reflection by Fr. Christopher Soh, SJ (Spiritual Director of the Caritas Singapore Young Adults Committee)!

We hope that you, in your little way, can continue to live out the principles of our Catholic Social Teaching (CST).
These are just five of our CST principles. Do check out the rest of the principles here!
Related Links:
Catholic Social Teaching
Young Adults