+65 6757 7990 (Yishun) +65 6801 7467 (Caritas Agape Village)
Clarity Singapore is a mental health charity endorsed by the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore and a member of the National Council of Social Services (NCSS). Founded in 2010, Clarity Singapore works with partners like the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) THRIVE, and the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) to deliver mental health interventions to the community.
The charity serves individuals from all walks of life—regardless of ethnicity or religion and between the ages of 18 and 65—with mild to moderate psychological and emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, pre- and post-natal stress, and trauma.
Clarity Singapore works closely with hospitals, social service agencies, community organisations and corporates to develop mental health literacy, and enhance support for persons with mental health conditions through psychoeducation and various social inclusion programmes. Its
services include:
Communities served
Abilities Beyond Limitations and Expectations (ABLE)
Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerant People (ACMI)
Assisi Hospice
Boys’ Town
Canossaville Children and Community Services (Canossaville)
Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives Singapore (CHARIS)
Catholic AIDS Response Effort (CARE)
Catholic Architectural Guild (CAG)
Catholic Business Network (CBN)
Catholic Family Life (CFL)
Catholic Lawyers Guild (CLG)
Catholic Medical Guild (CMG)
Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG)
Catholic Welfare Services (CWS)
Clarity Singapore Limited
Infant Jesus Homes & Children’s Centres (IJHCC)
Mamre Oaks
Marymount Centre
Montfort Care
Morning Star Community Services (MSCS)
Roman Catholic Prison Ministry (RCPM)
Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
Catholic Social Workers Guild (CSWG)
Every year, Caritas Singapore assesses the needs of its member organisations to fund programmes that serve our brothers and sisters in need. Our grant allocation takes into consideration funding gaps for underserved needs, the social mission organisation’s funding priorities, and the effectiveness and measurable impact of the charity’s programmes and services. All grant distribution decisions are announced in our annual report.