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Events & Programmes

Caritas Singapore offers formation programmes that promote awareness of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and its application in daily living as Christ’s disciples. Our formation programmes are open to all: the general public, volunteers, Catholic faith communities, and member organisations of our social mission family.

Catholic Social Teaching Course

By Fr David Garcia, O.P.

A course on basic ideas of Catholic Social Teaching. Participants will learn why CST is essential for Christian living and why it is more urgent today. There will be sessions on key principles, the spirituality of work, money, migrants, etc.

For: The general public

Live the Gospel in the World retreat

A retreat that helps participants to pray and think about how the gospel can be lived in one’s daily life. It takes place over two days without overnight stay with an additional follow-up session taking place the week after the main retreat.

Participants will find out more about Catholic Social Teaching and how it makes Christian discipleship concrete. There will be plenty of group sharing and prayer sessions too!

For: The general public

My Personal Compass course

By Fr David Garcia, O.P.

A basic course in morality with an emphasis on virtue ethics.

Gain an understanding of ethics and acquire your personal compass. Delve into how you can discern and make decisions as you navigate complex moral issues.

For: The general public

Review Of Life Workshop

Facilitated by Mr Goh Han Serm

Introduction of the See-Judge-Act method as a tool to help integrate faith and life. 

Explore the method and how it can be used to apply faith to life situations in a group setting. 

For: The general public

creed on the street

Creed on the Street is a series of night discussions on pertinent social issues in Singapore for young adults.

The night begins with a quick overview of the selected topic, after which participants discuss the matter with one another with the aid of prepared questions and a facilitator. A summary of the discussion and how relevant social teachings can be useful conclude the night of discussion.

For: Young adults