A short course on the most fundamental ideas of Catholic Social Teaching
The Catholic Social Teaching course is offered twice a year as part of an ongoing attempt to raise awareness among Catholics of the Church’s “best-kept secret” so that Catholics are equipped to think about societal concerns from a Catholic lens.
Participants will learn why CST is essential for Christian living and why it is more urgent today. Each session will cover pertinent themes such as basic principles, the spirituality of work, money and economics, migration, etc.
The course is conducted by Fr David Garcia, O.P., who lectures at the Major Seminary and Catholic Theological Institute of Singapore in Moral Theology. He is a well-known speaker who has addressed a spectrum of issues affecting society ranging from family life, social justice, and bioethics.
Next session: The upcoming course starts on 23 April at Church of the Holy Family. Email us here to get notified when registration is open!