+65 6353 5440
“Be a sign of God’s love in restoring dignity of PLWHAS accepted by society without prejudice or discrimination.”
To cater to the spiritual, psychological, financial and physical wellbeing of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAS) so as to give them hope to live a fulfilling life.
To help raise the level of public awareness of HIV/AIDS, and to promote greater compassion and understanding towards PLWHAs.
CARE runs a shelter for men living with HIV/AIDS who are homeless. Besides catering to their physical needs like lodging, clothing, and food, CARE also sees to the spiritual, emotional and social needs of the residents. The Dum Spiro Spero Programme, for example celebrates the dignity and joy of work. It helps the residents regain their self-worth and dignity.
Non-Residential Programme
The non-residential programme provides financial assistance and other forms of support to PLWHAs and their families, many of whom are women. CARE gives them vouchers, food provisions, transport allowance for school-going children and annual school textbook allowance. These non-residents and their families are also invited to participate in the Dum Spiro Spero Programme and in the social activities run by CARE.
Advocacy & Outreach
CARE also conducts regular advocacy and outreach programmes at Catholic schools and parishes to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and debunk public misconceptions to promote understanding and compassion towards PLWHAs.
Communities served
Abilities Beyond Limitations and Expectations (ABLE)
Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerant People (ACMI)
Assisi Hospice
Boys’ Town
Canossaville Children and Community Services (Canossaville)
Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives Singapore (CHARIS)
Catholic AIDS Response Effort (CARE)
Catholic Family Life (CFL)
Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG)
Catholic Welfare Services (CWS)
Clarity Singapore Limited
Infant Jesus Homes & Children’s Centres (IJHCC)
Marymount Centre
Montfort Care
Morning Star Community Services (MSCS)
Roman Catholic Prison Ministry (RCPM)
Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)
Every year, Caritas Singapore assesses the needs of its member organisations to fund programmes that serve our brothers and sisters in need. Our grant allocation takes into consideration funding gaps for underserved needs, the social mission organisation’s funding priorities, and the effectiveness and measurable impact of the charity’s programmes and services. All grant distribution decisions are announced in our annual report.