Seeking Signs of Hope

Photo by have an inquisitive mind. In their own special way, they learn about the world around them

Doing Good The Right Way

“A man is asking for money. Can we give it to him?” a colleague asked.“Wait. Let me speak

Children Learn What They Live

Children learn what they live.And live what they’ve learned.“He looks like a mini version of you!” my friend

The Cost of Solidarity

Photo by“Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance… grace without discipleship, grace without the cross,

What Mentoring Can Do For Youths

Photo by time ago, I was tasked to run a youth mentorship programme that was expected to last

Who Is Our Neighbour?

Photo by“Which commandment is the first of all?” When an elite member of the society asked Jesus this question,

Mental Well-Being At Work

Photo by great advancements in medicine in the last century or so, there is still very little that

We Can Be Self-Sustaining

Living in a fast-paced city-state with a population of 5.8 million people, we have limited land space for

Our Job Does Not Define Us

Photo by years back, when my second girl was born, I quit my job to look after my

Love Makes A Difference

Photo by while back, an elderly neighbour came to my house asking to borrow my toolbox. Curious, I

Be A Hero

Photo by“If you could have any superpower, which one would you want, and why?”This was a question that

When Nature Strikes Back

Photo by Pope Francis was travelling to the Philippines five years ago, a reporter asked during an in-flight

When Children Misbehave

Photo by your child misbehave? I’m sure the answer to that is YES! All children misbehave from time

Creation? What Is That?

Let's find out more and make a choice!In creating mankind, God had clothed us in glory and given

We Are Stewards of The Earth

Let's protect our common home!It is heartening and fortunate that Singapore is taking climate issues seriously. Just recently,

Finding Your Place In The World Today

Photo by months ago, in the thick of all the madness that surrounds us in the COVID-19 pandemic,

Stop Stealing People’s Problems

Photo by“Don’t steal people’s problems,” shared one participant at an online roundtable organised by the Institute of Policy

Can Rendering Help Lead To Authentic Human Development?

Photo by been involved in charity work since young, and now as a mother of two young girls,

Love Changes People

Photo by is the first thing on your mind when you hear the word “gangster”?Tattoo, cigarettes, thick gold

Responding To Our Fear And Uncertainty

Photo by COVID-19 situation has engulfed humanity in chaos. It brought about many changes in our lives at

Your Life Is Not About You

Photo by do you do when faced with a personal tragedy or a life-altering situation?You may be surprised